
Life Lately: Spring 2024

What's been going down...


Here to help

I have shared before about the many times God went beyond my expectations with a given project or ministry, yet I was still amazed when it happened again last April with some students. This year I decided to once again tutor English at Die Arche's Lerncamp, only this time I was wondering (and honestly, doubting) if that was where I was supposed to be. The first time was fun, but it had not stood out in the way the other camps I work at do, so I was going in feeling ambivalent. Moreso, I didn't feel adequately prepared for the week and was not looking forward to "winging it."

My first two sessions were easy enough, because thankfully, those students came prepared with worksheets from class to study. My third student, like I, showed up empty-handed, which concerned me, since half of my sessions that week were with him. We worked out a rough plan for the week, and I pulled together some materials to provide a semblance of structure to our time together. Mostly we just talked. Despite my ambivalence, this camp was even better than the last, since I was able to connect with some students outside the classroom. Imagine my surprise when I received a thank-you card from the director telling me I absolutely must come again. Why? Because the boy who spent half the week with me, despises studying English, but raved about how helpful our sessions were. Turns out, I was supposed to be there.


Music magnified

Pouring myself into music ministry is proving to be a wise decision. There continues to be a plethora of opportunities before me; so much so that in April I led five different sets in just two weeks. During one event, I had to spontaneously swap out half my songs from German to English. Afterwards a participant told me one of the songs (that had been swapped in) holds deep meaning for him and his wife and was sung at their 30th wedding anniversary. Those are the kinds of moments that only God can orchestrate. Jam Sesh continues to be my favorite as it grows and takes on a life of its own. Last month the largest group so far came together to jam. Twice now we have engaged in intercultural worship (singing songs originally composed in foreign cultures, led by natives of those cultures) which is a desire that pressed strongly on my heart.


Hutchmoot? What's that?

Take 120 songwriters, poets, painters, musicians, dancers, performers, animators, artisans, authors, and cinematographers, send them to a remote retreat center for Christian fellowship, and you have yourself a Hutchmoot. I was privileged to join this year's Hutchmoot in Swanwick, England and explore Christian artistry on a much deeper level. Not knowing what to expect, I was blessed to find a perfect blend of theory and practice ranging from highly academic seminars to beatnik poetry circles. I was able to connect with artists from as far away as Thailand and as near as my own neighborhood. Part of me felt intimidated being surrounded by such high-caliber artists, some of whom have turned their art into a profession. However, everyone was so humble and the sense of community so present. I benefited not only from the numerous resources gained and lessons learned but also from time given to developing some pieces I have been crafting. Creativity tends to breed more creativity.

Please Pray 

  •  Pray as our pastor begins a much-needed Sabbatical.

  • Pray for wisdom in how to best tell the story I am currently writing with the GEM Storytelling Team.

  • Nerch has officially launched. Pray they receive sufficient financial support.

  • Pray for several upcoming events this summer.

  • Praise God for continued fruit.