Life Lately: Winter 2024

What's been going down...
Getting the band together
I enjoy working with GEM-K for many reasons, not the least of which is sharing times of worship with them. During a rehearsal one afternoon at this last Winter Conference, I pondered how great it would be to have a drummer for just one particular song. So I asked around, but none jumped at the chance, until dinner. One of the younger girls humbly offered to play with the band. This in turn led to another asking if she could play bass with the band, and both joined the next night, even though they are both beginners. How cool is that?!
Similarly, we continue to build up our worship band in Mosaik Nord by mentoring our current members and inviting new ones. A close friend recently shared her vision with me for discipling musicians in the city. It is still in its infancy, but I sense God leading me to be involved. Additionally Jam Sesh continues to flourish and I become ecstatic everytime someone new joins our group. Some of us even had the opportunity to lead worship during the Evangelishce Allianz Gebetswoche and for an international conference in Frankfurt hosted by Watchman Fellowship.
A season of goodbyes
I hate goodbyes. I truly do. Even in everyday conversation, I usually substitute "see you later" or something similar. So parting ways with three close friends in January and another in February really took a toll. My dear friend and colleague Grant who founded and faithfully led the Storytelling Team thus far, stepped down and passed the reins to another. Though he remains a part of GEM, I will miss regularly working with him after the last three years. Simon, my first friend in Germany and pastor of 3.5 years ended his pastorate at Mosaik after 10 years of serving there, as he answers God's call to serve elsewhere. We are still in contact, but his absence weighs heavy. Third, I said farewell to my former mentor, and the reason I ended up in Germany to begin with, Sue, who retired and moved to Portugal. The goodbye that hit hardest, though, was to the friend with whom I cannot forge new memories. My beloved dog Suki died rather suddenly in early January. Like I said, goodbyes suck.
Imagine + Discern
As the year has begun, I find myself in a period of discernment, as has GEM leadership. After the events of last year and with the major changes that have started this year, I find myself asking God where to go. In what ways am I to further the kingdom? At our first team meeting of 2024, my boss asked us where we as believers fit into the city's ecosystem and specifically as missionaries within a Christian ecosystem.
Working through these questions, the Spirit has encouraged me to imagine, to dream, to wonder. I know what God has laid on my heart; this year I am exploring how to best fulfill that vision. I am excited because this kind of imagining and experimenting plays to my strengths, and because it allows me to sharpen my skills and refine my craft.
Crooning Christmas carols in the cold on a college campus
Hiking with some pretty rad teens
Our GEM-K staff in character
Evangelische Allianz Gebetswoche
Please Pray
- Praise God for a wonderful Winter Conference!
- Pray for all the adjustments with people leaving and transitioning, particularly the GEM Storytelling Team and Mosaik Nord.
- Pray for discernment in ministry.
- Praise God for new ministry partners!
- Pray for upcoming travel and events.